Thursday, October 1, 2009

What life you choose?

Life is really a path and a journey. Everyone has their own story, path, and destiny. How you live, what you believe in, and your moral standards as a person determines that path.

There are lots of people who complain about the little things in life. They not getting paid enough, they hate their job, they dont like their significant other, etc etc. Remember like are full of choices and its your right and duty to change your mind and go another route. Why live life unhappy and miserable. Change the things that make you unhappy.

There are some people who are blessed with lots of wealth and lots of fame. There are some people who are middle class, and then poverty. Now in my experience with meeting people it seems like people are unhappy in all classes. The poverty people are unhappy because they cannot meet ends and bills. Middle class complaining about making more money to become wealthy. They have a good life living comfortable but still unhappy. Lastly there are the wealthy, You would think that people with tons of money are the happiest people in the world. But from what I have been told its the total opposite.

From what experts say, people with money are the most miserable to boot. They are forever looking over their shoulder, wondering who is out to get them. They have to worry about people trying to take advantage of them and take their money. That in its self could make you paranoid and stressed. WOW it makes you wonder, can you live with being rich and famous.

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