Monday, October 26, 2009

The use of the N word!!

I just watched a video on facebook from a boy who wrote a speech about the N word. The question was asked what do you feel about the use of the N word in everyday society. This could range from Rap Songs, talking with your homeboys, etc. How do you feel about the word.

Here is my thoughts...

Honestly, we as a black people all know where the word stems from and what the meaning of the word is supposed to incinerate. Now I must say that I was not born back in those days and have not first hand knowingly experienced racism towards me, or anyone I know. So I do not know the true history behind the word, I can only go by what is written in books, and from what other people think they know.

As a black culture - I think we put to much power into this word. It seems like this word is an anchor in the african american society. If this word is publicly used in public use, then the next moment you will have rallies, anti racism movements, and Jessie Jackson, Quanell X, and The NAACP will be wanting people fired and explanations and apologies. This may or may not be the right course of action because again, maybe they understand the history of the word better than I do, and figures why it does not upset me as much when I hear about the use.

Grant it, there may still be a lot of racism still going around in america today, but that is just the culture and society we live in. Do I want to see it changed, SURE I do. I would love to imagine a world where everyone gets along, people are chose based on skills and not skin color, and so forth. But as you and me know that is never going to happen, so we just have to deal with the cards that are dealt to us.

My answer to this: I feel if we stop the overall attention to this word, I feel it would just fizzell itself out of modern language. Just think if another race come up to a black person and call him A N*gger 7 times, and instead of getting mad he just says something very educated and walk away. How would you think that other person would feel knowing that his ignorance was ignored. Grant it this will not work 100% of the time because some people are just stupid like that, but I think the numbers would improve drastically. As long as we have so much attention to that word its like a virtual lease that is around our necks to control us.

Thats my rant for today... Thanks for reading.. leave comments if you like.

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