Monday, October 5, 2009

What about the Healthcare

So for some time now people are ranting and raving over health care this and health care that. Honestly I do not understand the situation at all. Quite frankly I dont think most americans do either. I really think this is just another way of trying to discredit what the president is doing. There has already been clippings of people saying he is turning into a tyrant because why: He's taken over the banking industry and he's taken over the car industry. I really don't understand people sometimes. They always complaining and never happy about anything. I feel once a day people need to just take 1hr our their day and dedicate it to thinking about happy thoughts and memories. Maybe this world will be a better place. My motto is no matter what you are going there is someone out there worse off.

So back to this health care thing, what are they really talking about. How will this affect the middle class, and lower class people, because to be honest that is really what the reform is all about. To me it seems like the president is trying to level the playing field with the work that he is doing. Rich people should not be the only ones with access to great medical coverage because they can pay. Great coverage should be the first priority for all health care providers, but unfortunately its not. Most doctors could care less if you live or die, as long as your insurance can help pay off that boat. Now dont get me wrong, I am not hating on any doctor and the things they have, I just think they should put a better time and effort into treating and not worrying so much on the money end of it.

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