Monday, November 9, 2009

What is UP with America

So!! My Rant for today: What the hell is going on with the people in USA today with the shootings. It seems like its in style like True Religion jeans. I myself just am not understanding what is the purpose of these people that go on these killing sprees. Honestly, what purpose does it solve? I think its just real selfish, Hey if you want to kill yourself, then that is something you need to deal with alone by yourself. Why bring other people into it and make them suffer as well. No one is to blame for your problems but yourself. You have control of your life and the direction it goes by the choices you choose. IF you made some bad choices, learn from it and keep moving forward attempting to make new ones. There are to many opportunities in america to make money. I have seen one armed men sell snickers, water, and m and m's on side of the rode. He was making a killing on a 100 degree day. If he can make it, then anyone can. You just need a dream and some sort of plan. If you are screwy in the head and cant develop a plan get help. With all this technology there is some medicine that can have you thinking straight.

Thats my rant for today.. Check back again soon!!!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

The use of the N word!!

I just watched a video on facebook from a boy who wrote a speech about the N word. The question was asked what do you feel about the use of the N word in everyday society. This could range from Rap Songs, talking with your homeboys, etc. How do you feel about the word.

Here is my thoughts...

Honestly, we as a black people all know where the word stems from and what the meaning of the word is supposed to incinerate. Now I must say that I was not born back in those days and have not first hand knowingly experienced racism towards me, or anyone I know. So I do not know the true history behind the word, I can only go by what is written in books, and from what other people think they know.

As a black culture - I think we put to much power into this word. It seems like this word is an anchor in the african american society. If this word is publicly used in public use, then the next moment you will have rallies, anti racism movements, and Jessie Jackson, Quanell X, and The NAACP will be wanting people fired and explanations and apologies. This may or may not be the right course of action because again, maybe they understand the history of the word better than I do, and figures why it does not upset me as much when I hear about the use.

Grant it, there may still be a lot of racism still going around in america today, but that is just the culture and society we live in. Do I want to see it changed, SURE I do. I would love to imagine a world where everyone gets along, people are chose based on skills and not skin color, and so forth. But as you and me know that is never going to happen, so we just have to deal with the cards that are dealt to us.

My answer to this: I feel if we stop the overall attention to this word, I feel it would just fizzell itself out of modern language. Just think if another race come up to a black person and call him A N*gger 7 times, and instead of getting mad he just says something very educated and walk away. How would you think that other person would feel knowing that his ignorance was ignored. Grant it this will not work 100% of the time because some people are just stupid like that, but I think the numbers would improve drastically. As long as we have so much attention to that word its like a virtual lease that is around our necks to control us.

Thats my rant for today... Thanks for reading.. leave comments if you like.

Monday, October 19, 2009

It was all a hoax!!!!

Okay for real, the guy made up the whole story of his son being taken up in the air by his hot air balloon. What kind of human being would make up a story as such and broadcast it over the news. I think this guy deserve to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law possible. This is classified as one of many things you do not do to humans. Playing with the emotions of human beings is just a devilish act and there should be some ramifications for his actions. Personally if I was the judge I would treat this as lying to federal agents which in most cases would get you 10 years or more in prison. The human sympathy is one thing that is not tarnished in America, especially when it comes to children.

For the time being we will just need to wait around and see how the American justice system would play this out. But again for me, I hope to see him prosecuted to the fullest extent.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Congrats to the President

Well President Obama reach another milestone that only 2 other presidents ever reached. Winning the Nobel Peace Prize is a highly regarded honor. And for the president to win without even knowing he was in the running I bet is a sweet feeling. But of course with great success comes great haters. Now this start another roar of people saying he is not deserving, he has not done anything to be receiving of this award. To me I just dont understand why so many people have so much negative feedback against the president. What we have to remember is that is he a single human being, trying to undo 8 years of bad decision making, bad judgements, and an idiot cabinet. You cannot expect 8 years to be undone in less than a year. I feel that he is going in the right direction and we can actually see the work being done. Usually the middle class and lower class are usually not affected by the decisions that the government make, but now it seems the things that the president is doing affects the entire country instead of just the rich people.

Once again congrats to president Obama for his recent achievements . I am happy that he is making changes.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Life Insurance

So question of today, how do you feel about life insurance? When is the best time to get it? Well those types of questions occur everyday with americans. Most people think of life insurance as another monthly payment and something that they don't need. Well let me tell you everyone should have some sort of life insurance for themselves and family. The cost of burying someone is very expensive. You would not believe the cost associated with funerals, caskets, putting someone in the ground, its almost like buying a brand new Mercedes 700class.

Life insurance be on the back of your mind like eating healthy. You never notice the importance until something major happens and you are wondering how the hell that happen. Me I had to sit myself down and review all the terms and conditions of life insurance. I have to make sure in the event something happens to me, my family will be taken care of. I do not want them pulling that kind of money from the accounts trying to bury me. If that is the case and we didnt have it, then I would tell them, just throw my body in the flames and spread the ashes in the water ( much cheaper ).

So my rant for the day CHECK OUT SOME LIFE INSURANCE....

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Whats New

So i have signed up to become a juvenile mentor at my church. Giving back to the community. I am just wondering to myself am I able to give another young mind some advice on how to live life. Lets face it and to be honest, I haven't live a great portion of my life devoted to God. I have done things that i am not proud of, but well I guess that can be considered as experience. I know I just have to pray about this and ask god to lead me and ensure I am humbled to guide that young mind. I ask that you pray for me as well, as I lead a young mind and give him positive thoughts and direction.

Monday, October 5, 2009

What about the Healthcare

So for some time now people are ranting and raving over health care this and health care that. Honestly I do not understand the situation at all. Quite frankly I dont think most americans do either. I really think this is just another way of trying to discredit what the president is doing. There has already been clippings of people saying he is turning into a tyrant because why: He's taken over the banking industry and he's taken over the car industry. I really don't understand people sometimes. They always complaining and never happy about anything. I feel once a day people need to just take 1hr our their day and dedicate it to thinking about happy thoughts and memories. Maybe this world will be a better place. My motto is no matter what you are going there is someone out there worse off.

So back to this health care thing, what are they really talking about. How will this affect the middle class, and lower class people, because to be honest that is really what the reform is all about. To me it seems like the president is trying to level the playing field with the work that he is doing. Rich people should not be the only ones with access to great medical coverage because they can pay. Great coverage should be the first priority for all health care providers, but unfortunately its not. Most doctors could care less if you live or die, as long as your insurance can help pay off that boat. Now dont get me wrong, I am not hating on any doctor and the things they have, I just think they should put a better time and effort into treating and not worrying so much on the money end of it.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

What life you choose?

Life is really a path and a journey. Everyone has their own story, path, and destiny. How you live, what you believe in, and your moral standards as a person determines that path.

There are lots of people who complain about the little things in life. They not getting paid enough, they hate their job, they dont like their significant other, etc etc. Remember like are full of choices and its your right and duty to change your mind and go another route. Why live life unhappy and miserable. Change the things that make you unhappy.

There are some people who are blessed with lots of wealth and lots of fame. There are some people who are middle class, and then poverty. Now in my experience with meeting people it seems like people are unhappy in all classes. The poverty people are unhappy because they cannot meet ends and bills. Middle class complaining about making more money to become wealthy. They have a good life living comfortable but still unhappy. Lastly there are the wealthy, You would think that people with tons of money are the happiest people in the world. But from what I have been told its the total opposite.

From what experts say, people with money are the most miserable to boot. They are forever looking over their shoulder, wondering who is out to get them. They have to worry about people trying to take advantage of them and take their money. That in its self could make you paranoid and stressed. WOW it makes you wonder, can you live with being rich and famous.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Can you become a millionaire in ten years

So I read an article about becoming a millionaire in ten years. Now with that said you may ask how is this possible. Well the article gave some examples on how this can happen. To start for this to happen you will need to save about 996 dollars a week in order for this to happen. If you like me then you know this is probably impossible with the way the economy is and what the job market is paying these days. But if you can live frugally and also live in a 2 income home this may be possible.

Here are some steps to guide you!
1. Get a side hustle, part time job. Grant it no one wants to work 2 jobs for ten years in order to just save the money and not being able to spend what you are working hard for. This is a big problem in america which is instant gratification. Most americans want things now and cannot wait or take time to let things develop and grow. If you think about the benefits of ten years to become a millionaire, how would that change your life.

2. If you live in a two income home, think about this, if you can live on one paycheck. Gather your bills and expenses and see how feasible it will be to live on one spouse paycheck. The other paycheck can be deposited into a high yielding high interest savings account. You still will have access to the money, but it will take 3 days to get it. That will help discipline you to not touch that money and let it grow. Also think about the more money deposited the more interest it draws.

These are two things to begin to think about if you want to become a millionaire in ten years. THINK YOU CAN DO IT?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Why did they post that

So on the news this morning, some idiot post a poll on facebook threating the president. How dumb can you be.

First you are going to post it on a public website that everybody and their momma subscribe to.
Second in this world of terror plots and actions against America.

So now this idiot is being investigated by the CIA.. Looks like there is going to be some jail time for this person.

Moral of this story..... THINK BEFORE YOU ACT........

Monday, September 28, 2009

Becoming an Entrepreneur

Trying to start your own business can become a tidiest task. But the overall reward if you stick with it can be grand. I am learning it takes patience, research, and a little of your time daily to get things up and running.

I am at the point of I know what i want to do, now i need to take the next steps, finding a business name, applying for a EIN number, get my tax information together, market the business, and so forth and so on. Just got to keep pressing forward and trust that GOD will guide me through this.

The Idea of making money from home makes this all worth it.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Credit Card Choices!!

Many People often carry credit cards only to keep up with the Jones's. This can lead to spending money you already don't have and put yourself into more debt than you may be in. Sometimes it is way to easy to whip out that credit card and pay for those RIMs, that new purse, or those new shoes.

To keep yourself grounded if you have to use a credit card, you should check your regular bank account and ask yourself: If I didn't have this credit card, would I be able to buy this. If your answer is no to that question, then maybe you should wait until you can give yourself a yes to that. BUT if your answer is yes to that question, then why not just use that good ole debit card to pay. Those are the type of life decisions to start with to better your financial situation.