Tuesday, March 16, 2010

just a rant....

Being a dad is such a great experience that any "real" man enjoys and its a pleasure doing. I have two daughters whom I love from the bottom of my heart. They are part of the string that turns the clock of my life. I get up and go to work every morning so that I can spoil and provide them with whatever they want and need. I take pride knowing that I am putting a smile on their faces. I try and teach them the the facts of life and the importance of being a good person, believing and trusting GOD. One of my babies stay with me and the other stays with her mother. My goal is to have both of my daughters with me permanently. That is a uphill fight that I plan to keep fighting until I succeed. Most time you cannot control the teachings of the other parent, you are only so limited to the time the courts appoint you through child support orders. I wish that I could be the person in power to change the child visitation laws for the great fathers out here who wants and deserve to be in their childs life at all times. We "fathers" are looked at in the attorney general worlds as just money providers. They try and pacify us with these stupid every other weekend visits, but expect us to pay half your money. To me its not even about the money being spent on child support. I just want my daughter more than what a white piece of paper says I am supposed to have her. I really have to research and somehow raise the funds to hire a very good attorney that can help change these laws not only for me, but for all the fathers out there in my same situation.

Just my rant for today, really just needed to get that off my chest.

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